Best Toronto Sunset Locations


pink and blue sky sunset with some clouds and Toronto skyline silhouette in the background taken by Brice Lan

Photo Credit: Brice Lan

oxygen and fire

by Oxygen and Fire

In this article, we write about our favourite Toronto sunset spots.

The key is to find a spot that faces west since the sun sets in the west. Here are our top four locations we like to enjoy the sunset in Toronto. We've numbered them from 1 to 5, where 1 is the best based on access to water, bike path accessibility, activities, amount of nature, and recharging feel.

Check out our map at the end of this article. Note: the map is for reference only. Toronto is always under construction and things change. It's also a good idea to travel is small groups for safety reasons.

Riverdale Park in Toronto people sitting under lush trees and greenery with picnic blankets enjoying each other's company with the Toronto skyline in the background taken by James Thomas

Photo Credit: James Thomas

4. Riverdale

Riverdale is great for summer and winter activities alike. There's plenty of space for everyone at Riverdale to enjoy the sunset while spending time with friends and family picnicking, for example.  You could make your own picnic blanket or get a versatile one that can also be used at the beach.

purple pink yellow orange sunset with Toronto skyline silhouette taken by @touann.gv

Photo Credit @touann.gv

5. Toronto Island

We enjoy Toronto Island from time to time and are looking forward to a bridge possibly being built to access the islands. You could get there by ferry but we would like to have the option of biking over a bridge (we've been considering kayaking there one day). For this reason, Toronto Island comes in fourth. Still, Hanlan's Point Beach offers another great western view of the sunset. FYI, there's a clothing optional side vs a clothing on zone.
If you'd like to Kayak to the Island as well.

solitary sailboat on the open water with the sunset to the right sky in beautiful blue, yellow and orange hues taken by Fab Lentz

Photo Credit: Fab Lentz

3. Trillium Park

Trillium Park has been one of our absolute favourite places to bike to, enjoy a picnic, suntan, and be. With the new development proposal, we don't know for how much longer this place will continue to be one of our happy places but we continue enjoying seeing the swallows and common terns, the wild flowers, dogs, the smell of a wood burning fire pits while we still can.
We've seen others play Frescobol at the beach which is very common in Brazil and Europe. Usually you play in pairs with a ball and two wooden rackets. The goal is to keep the ball from touching the ground.
We also bring a cooler that fits in our bike baskets to keep food and drinks cool so we can feel refreshed on hot days.
If you like birdwatching and picnics access our article on High Park Activities, here.

the sky has light purple hues and some pink and grey with many sailboats tied at a harbour taken by @grotandthemob

Photo Credit @grotandthemob

2. Humber Bay Arch Bridge Area

For now and although we know that this location doesn't fully face westward, we enjoy the Humber Bay Arch Bridge area as there's lots of space for everyone to enjoy the water, nature, and picnic, with the added bonus that it's easy to get to by bike. 

Trek Bike handle bar in front of Lake Ontario on a calm sunny day with nice clear waters Photo Credit: Better Then Blog

Photo Credit @BetterThenBlog

1. Tommy Thompson Park

We recently explored this park all the way to the end and we were impressed by its clear blue waters on a calm sunny day. It's a fantastic alternative to the Toronto Island as it has signes that do not allow motorized vehicles in the park (for more details on what's allowed in this nature conservation aread, kindly refer to the City's website: ). We saw long tailed ducks, tree swallows, yellow birds, and many others that we can find at High Park. We definitely recommend going.

What are your thoughts about the above? Let us know on TikTok or Instagram.

Map, click on image for details:

Sunset locations map in Toronto

Photo Credit: Better Then Blog

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